Our Fixed Electronic Monitoring & Reporting System
The Hardware
The deployed network is in effect an interconnected set of nodes on platforms that will collect real time information on marine traffic.
Each node can cover an area with a radius of between 100 to 200 nautical miles depending on the deployed radio, radar and other payloads
Each node is made up of
• A “platform” that houses advanced electronic monitoring equipment.
• Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs)
• One or two Autonomous Underwater Vessels (AUVs)
• Several Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
The Software
A dynamic AIS mapping that provides real time accurate positioning of cargo ships in the Gulf of Guinea. This is accessible to our clients.
Network of platforms equipped with electronic monitoring that can classify the marine objects they detect and can track these in real time to understand the intentions. This data is fed into the AIS mapping software.
Our software algorithms use the trajectory of the pirate ship to evaluate which cargo
ships are in danger and the time-
The pirate ship will continue to be tracked and notification issued to authorities if in the EEZ or naval patrol if in the high seas.
Each platform is equipped with radar, photoelectric, AIS, ADS-
Each platform has its dedicated data center which processes and stores the acquired data from its monitoring equipment.
The platform Energy supply (providing power interface for DC+48V, +24V, +12V; AC+220V maintenance power interface and 10KW peak power output.)
Communications with the flotilla of equipment attached to the platform as well as other nodes and with the coastal states authorities is via a variety of means as required. These include satellite communications, various wireless scattered communications, shortwave communications.
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